Help employees ensure their loved ones are protected from the cost of final expenses
A perfect complement to your benefits package, Term Life is cheap and it's common to provide employees with $50,000 of term life insurance.
In a time of extreme crisis, this is one of the most valuable benefits an employer provides.
Typically coverage is issued without health underwriting and the first $50,000 is an employer paid benefit.
Options to "Buy-up" Beyond Basic Term Life
Basic Term Life. Foundational protection that helps meet a portion of a family's income needs in the event of a premature death.
Supplemental Life. Allows employees to increase their protection to meet their individual needs at no cost to employers.
Dependent Life. Offers additional coverage for spouses, domestic partners and eligible children creating even more value for your benefit program with no additional cost to employers.
Voluntary Retiree Life. Designed specifically for new retirees, providing coverage to meet their changing needs and driving employee loyalty at no cost to employers.

Life Insurance is the Bedrock of Protection
Typically employer provided group term life is a minimum amount of coverage for most people. Often there is an opportunity for employees to purchase additional amounts via payroll deduction.
High income earners or those with family have additional personal needs. Contact us for individual term life insurance.
There are also several business related life needs we can assist with such as Key-Man, Partnership Buy-Out and Debt Protection insurance policies.